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Maternity Autism Passports can be used to outline your personal needs during pregnancy. Reprinted with permissions from author Alexis Quinn 

Karen Henry black and white profile picture.jpeg

Addressing Inequity and inequality within maternity services for autistic women. An article and resources written by Karen Henry, an Autistic Midwife and Lecturer.

Human Rights in Childbearing - Supporting Autistic Midwives in the Workplace

Providing accessible healthcare for autistic women

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How health professionals can make reasonable adjustments to support autistic women and people to access maternity care.  ‘Supporting pregnant autistic people’ by Diane Fox RMMARG Vice Chair 


National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) resource about sensory challenges in hospital settings This has been adopted by a lot of NHS trusts. It was commissioned with a mental health focus but can be applied easily to maternity settings. 


Birthrights Factsheets: Disability and long-term health conditions: your right to reasonable adjustments in maternity care 

Mother Breastfeeding Baby

The Breastfeeding Network: Supporting breastfeeding: recommendations from Autistic women and people. 
Dr Aimee Grant (2022)

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