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Autistic parents share their experiences


Hayley Morgan, MARG member, Researcher and Author, talks about her experience of being autistic and her birth experiences. 

Sara King photo.jpg

‘My experiences of pregnancy, birth and motherhood as an autistic mum’

By MARG Chair Sara King 

(Please note survey is now closed) 

Pregnant belly

Finch, E. (2020). Stories from the Spectrum: Emma Finch. National Autistic Society Blog.

Baby and Teddy

Katrona. (2021). Breastfeeding if you are on the autistic spectrum. Breastfeeding Network.


MARG member Hayley Morgan talks about her experience of being autistic. 

Young Couple Expecting

Grace, J. (2021b). Neurodiversity and maternity 1. Hidden barriers to healthcare access. The Practising Midwife24(2), 30–31.

Mother and Baby

Harper, B. (2019). Breastfeeding : The Autistic experience. Association of Breastfeeding Mothers.


I would love midwives to make small changes to their communication style, and understand the needs of autistic women by Rachel Townson

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